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Join date: Jul 15, 2021


Inspired by a professor during her first year of law school to create an outlet for her fascination with sports and the law, Kate became Sports Law Girl. Kate was raised in Texas with Tom Landry’s biggest fan, her mom, who kick-started Kate’s love of sports at an early age. Nearly named after Landry himself, Kate has almost always known she would end up in the world of sports. She was the five-year-old who stood on the bleachers at football games yelling at her older sister, “It’s ten yards. Four tries!” Now, she’s the go-to girl for all of her friends’ fantasy leagues. As the world of sports continues to grow and change with the times, Kate loves to share her ideas and perspectives with fellow sports-lovers as she continues to learn as much as she can about the field she loves so much.


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Kate Rosenberg

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